Episode 14 - The Current and Future State of Headless WordPress

Episode 14 October 19, 2022
Episode 14 - The Current and Future State of Headless WordPress
Delicious Brain Waves
Episode 14 - The Current and Future State of Headless WordPress

Oct 19 2022 |


Show Notes

Headless WordPress has been steadily gaining in popularity, especially among enterprise-class organizations. But how much do you really know about it?

In this episode of Delicious Brain Waves, we’re joined by special guest Jason Bahl, Principal Engineer at WP Engine and the creator and maintainer of WPGraphQL, to help us understand the current state of headless WordPress and what we might see in the future. 


Show notes:


* Jason Bahl on Twitter

* Mike Davey on Twitter

* ACF 6.0 Released

* The State of Headless: A Global Research Report

* WPGraphQL

* WPGraphQL on GitHub

* WPGraphQL on Twitter

* WPGraphQL on YouTube

* How Website Performance Affects Conversion Rates

* Site Speed is (Still) Impacting Your Conversion Rate

* Headless WordPress and Content Management Systems

* Getting Started with Headless (Without Losing Your Mind)

* Headless WordPress with Atlas

* Atlas and the Atlas Sandbox

* Local WP: Atlas Blueprints

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